Thought Provoking – Metabolic Tectonic: Terraforming Waste

Check out this project by Adam E. Anderson from , called Metabolic Tectonic: Terraforming Waste.

It sets out a theory of Neo Nature in that  as geological forces we make a visual marks on earth and create our own geology. There is a download of the entire thesis work that has some intriuging images.

Not sure I understand the whole document yet, but I will spend more time trying to decifer some of the more conceptual drawings and statements… as said, its thought provoking and worth a look. For me its kind of film noir landscape design mixed with Dune

Adam%20E.%20Anderson_Pressures%20and%20Deformations_FLAT Thought Provoking - Metabolic Tectonic: Terraforming Waste


Thought Provoking - Metabolic Tectonic: Terraforming WasteConcept Landscape & Urban

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