A design and study, resulting in a new arrival plaza area associated landscape features for the MCC at the Lords Cricket Club Stadium in London. The proposals evolved through a consultation and comprehensive study of the match day setup at Lords.  The Plaza  centers on an important link between the WG Grace Gates and the Pavilion Stand via a boulevard of Trees defined with raised planters clad in natural stone.

New retail units tuck in under the existing stadium eaves which frees up valuable space for visitor circulation.  A  water wall cascades over the ‘Lords’ name and in-ground water jets create a backdrop to an informal event space, meeting and focal point.

The WG grace statue is also relocated in closer proximity to the Gates with an extension to the adjacent restaurant terrace that offer greater opportunities for hospitality. Overall the project successfully address many issues surrounding the existing set-up and goes along way to improving the visitor experience and image of the Stadium and the MCC at Lords.

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    STADIUM LANDSCAPE DESIGNConcept Landscape & Urban
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